ICOAM17, Anacapri (IT) , 18-22 September 2017

ICOAM17 is the fourth of a series of conferences (ICOAM10, ICOAM13 ICOAM15) bringing together a number of scientists whose research is focused on optical fields carrying angular momenta. Besides optomechanical aspects, the peculiar properties characterizing these photonics states, even at the single photon level, result extremely appealing for diverse applications and attract the interest of a broad scientific community, as witnessed by the numerous topics covered by the conference. The forthcoming meeting in Anacapri will provide the platform for scientist to share their latest results and investigate the future directions that are yet to be explored.
Conference topics
- Fundamentals of optical angular momentum
- Structured light
- Singular optics
- Interaction of structured light with matter
- Imaging and microscopy
- Optical forces, trapping and optomechanics
- Optical spin-orbit effects
- Quantum information
- Quantum simulation
- Free-space and guided optical communication
- Nonlinear optics
- Structured matter waves
Keynote speakers
Michael Berry, University of Bristol, UK
Miles Padgett, Glasgow University, UK
Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop, University of Queensland, Australia
Anton Zeilinger, Univ. of Vienna & Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Austria
Conference committees
Chairman: Lorenzo Marrucci (University of Naples Federico II, IT)
Advisory Committee:
Robert R. Alfano (City College of New York, USA)
David Andrews (University of East Anglia, UK)
Mohamed Babiker (University of York, UK)
Michael Berry (University of Bristol, UK)
Konstantin Y. Bliokh (RIKEN, Japan)
Robert W. Boyd (University of Ottawa, Canada and Rochester, USA)
Mark Dennis (University of Bristol, UK)
Andrew Forbes (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)
Sonja Franke-Arnold (University of Glasgow, UK)
Enrique Galvez (Colgate University, USA)
Gerd Leuchs (Max Planck Erlangen, Germany)
Miles Padgett (University of Glasgow, UK)
Monika Ritsch-Marte (Medical University Innsbruck, Austria)
Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop (University of Queensland, Australia)
Grover Swartzlander (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Martin van Exter (University of Leiden, Netherlands)
Anton Zeilinger (University of Vienna, Austria)